Parliament to vet 137 bills

Myanmar Eleven May 25, 2015 1:00 am #block_media{ position:relative; display:block; clear:both; } #tab_photo,#tab_video{ display:inline-block; width:60px; height:auto; padding:3px; position:absolute; top:-25px; left:500px; text-align:center; background-color:#ccc; color:#000; cursor:pointer; z-index:0; } @-moz-document url-prefix() { #tab_photo,#tab_video{ top:-26px; } } #tab_video{ left:564px; } #block_media .tab_media_active{ background-color:#0c3e6f; color:#fff; } #slides_box,.box-vdo-top{ z-index:600; } There are 137 bills waiting to be enacted by Parliament before their term will end, according to Tun Tun Oo, the deputy attorney general. Tun Tun Oo was asked by Lower House MP Thein Tun Oo how many bills the Union Attorney General's Office was scrutinising before being sent to Parliament.

"There are 137 bills, including 21 for the administrative sector, 42 for social welfare, 30 economic and 44 others, in the hands of the office," Tun Tun Oo said, adding that the bills had to be scrutinised at least 300 times.

"The administrative sector's legislation includes a vehicle bill, gambling amendment bill and border security and immigration inspection bill. The oil bill, insurance amendment bill, banking and financial institution bill are among those related to the economic sector," Tun Tun Oo said.

"We can suggest amendments to the bills and then they are sent back for further scrutiny or they have to be sent to Parliament by the government. Some bills have to be scrutinised once, some several times."

A bill that would finalise the decision by the Constitutional Tribunal to prohibit white card holders from voting in the referendum to amend the 2008 constitution was submitted to the Lower House of parliament on May 20 by the Union Election Commission (UEC).

UEC member Win Ko said: "The commission received notice February 26, 2015,to submit a bill to parliament to solidify the constitutional illegality of white card holders voting, as agreed by the tribunal. This is the submission of that bill."

The Lower House Bill Committee supports the bill and asked for support in passing the bill.

When the Lower House asked the Constitutional Tribunal whether granting voting rights to temporary white card holders was in line with the law, the tribunal responded that it was not.

The tribunal announced: "According to the constitution, the governance of the nation shall come from the citizens. Every citizen has the right to vote and be voted for. Many foundational truths say the root of governance is the citizens themselves, as citizens are able to vote and be voted for. Therefore, according to laws under Section 391, [voting rights] are applicable to citizens only. Temporary identification documents last only temporary period and were issued for special reasons. The holders must all undergo investigations. In the current situation, if a temporary identification holder were to get involved in deciding the fate of governance in the nation, it would come into conflict with Section 4, Sub-Section 38(A) and Section 391 of the constitution. Therefore, it is against the law to allow temporary ID holders to participate in the referendum."

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